Do you want to learn more about Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM)? This paper present a framework that includes four pillars for ZDM readiness.
Abstract: In this study, a comprehensive framework for assessing the readiness of production systems for Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) has been developed and presented. The framework includes four pillars of ZDM readiness, namely Personnel, Procedures, Infrastructure, and Company Culture, to help companies understand their level of readiness and plan for successful implementation of ZDM. We argue that a manufacturing company will be better equipped to embrace ZDM if it performs well in these four areas. We propose a tool that uses yes/no questionnaires to assess a manufacturing system’s readiness for ZDM. The results of the questionnaire will objectively show the true level of cultural readiness for ZDM adoption, and the level of investment required for implementation will depend on the level of readiness. This tool can help companies gain a clear understanding of their readiness and create a plan for implementing ZDM. Overall, our framework and tool can help manufacturers improve the quality of their products and be ready for ZDM adoption.
Citation: Psarommatis, F., May, G., Azamfirei, V., Magnanini, M.C., Powell, D. (2024). A Readiness Level Assessment Framework for Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM). In: Silva, F.J.G., Ferreira, L.P., Sá, J.C., Pereira, M.T., Pinto, C.M.A. (eds) Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. FAIM 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham