Another paper for the Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) paradigm! In this paper, a Rula-based Machine Vision Framework is proposed.
Abstract: The Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) paradigm will drastically change the manufacturing system and its socio-technological interactions. Following the idea that ‘quality is free’, this is, the cost of appraisals is lower compared to defects, bigger effort will be placed in detect, predict, prevent, and repair. Such activities would require an adequate level of automation. Human operators are the ultimate flexible resource in the manufacturing system, thus should be appreciated and protected. Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) have been studies for decades but not been part of Industry 4.0. To secure a true sustainable growth towards ZDM and Industry 5.0, humans should be the centre of such socio-technological revolution. Utilising state-of-the-art technologies, such as Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence, and knowledge gained from the ergonomic science field, human-centred ZDM can be secured. In this paper, a RULA-based Machine Vision framework is proposed for the real-time assessment of human ergonomics in shop floor.
Citation: Psarommatis, Foivos & Azamfirei, Victor & Konstantinidis, Fotios. (2023). A Rula-based Assessment Framework based on Machine Vision and Zero-Defect Manufacturing 4.0 Initiative. 22-24